Troop Information
Troop 448 was started in October of 1965 by Mr. Davis and going strong for over a quarter century. It
started with 6 boys and grew to 60 scouts in the mid seventies. Today, Troop 448 has roughly 32
registered scouts. This boy-led troop empowers boys to be leaders by allowing them to develop a troop
program and then take responsibility for figuring out how to achieve their goals. They accomplish this
by electing a senior patrol leader and then organizing into groups of patrols under the guidance of the
scoutmaster. The troop schedules one or two events each month consisting of campouts, community
service projects, and activities such as swimming, dodgeball, plus much more. The troop meets
almost every Tuesday at the South Daytona Christian Church(2121 Kenilworth Ave., South Daytona,
FL 32119) and holds two "Courts of Honor" (award ceremony) per year where numerous of merit badges
and awards are presented during a traditional family potluck feast dinner where each family
contributes a dish of food to be shared among the entire Boy Scout Troop.
Summer Camp
For many years, Troop 448 has gone to different summer camps across the nation after the July
NASCAR Races with many of the older scouts participating in Summer Camp. The troop uses this time
to teach younger scouts skills needed for the rank of Tenderfoot, to provide scouts with the
opportunity to complete merit badge programs in a variety of catagories, and to challenge older scouts
with high adventure outing such as Mountain Biking, Canoeing, Mountain Climbing and more. The
troop thanks the camps friendly staff for making each trip safe and enjoyable for all.
Every other month the troop plans a camp out. These have included: hikes along the Tomoka River in
the early fall; mountain climbs of White Mountain peaks of New Hampshire; backpacking & canoing
along the Saranac Lake, New York; a fun filled weekend at Camp La-no-che; a walk along Patriots
Point in Charleston, SC with an overnight stay on the Yorktown Aircraft Carrier; a ski trip to
Gatlinburg; seeing the sites at the Philmont Scout Reservation in the Rocky Mountains of New Mexico;
a canoe and kayak trip along the Suwanee River; a gym night where boys and adults play kickball,
basketball, dodgeball in the National Guard Armory and more.
Troop Meeting
Troop Meeting from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, see calendar for details and location
Committee Meeting
A Committee Meeting is held once a month at 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM, see Calendar for details and
History from our Second Eagle Scout Leo Lachat 1972
Here is a note from Leo dated October 22, 2011; He is currently the Chief of Recovery in the Division of
Emergency Management for the State of Florida working in Tallahassee.
"Have stayed very active in Scouting --- in the military and later in Tallahassee to date. Cub Scouts
and Boys Scouts before, during, and after Kevin participated (he made Eagle in 2005). I Scoutmastered
a Jamboree Troop in 2005 and I was a Crew Advisor at Philmont in 2007 for a 72 mile trek (the boys
were all Eagles, knew what they were doing, and I truly had a blast on that adventure --- myself and
the two other adults just let them run the whole show ... they were that good). Founded a Troop (10) at
our Church in 2000 --- today, probably one of the best if not the best in the Tallahassee area. I have
done it all as an adult both in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts --- unit, district, and council levels. The
memories are strong but the interest is starting to dwindle a little. I'm on my 47th year of Scouting
going back to when I was a little Cub Scout. Even in the Marines, volunteered aboard bases with Packs
and Troops and helped with camporees and Eagle Scout projects. The Council gave me the Silver
Beaver Award a few years back which I cherish as much as my Eagle medal."