Blue Cards and Merit Badge Process
1) The Scout selects a merit badge he wishes to complete.
2) The Scout contacts the advancment coordinator to request a blue card.
3) A blue card will be filled out by the advancement coordinator, given to the scout and recorded
into Troopmaster.
4) The Scout must have the blue card signed by the unit leader (Scoutmaster) [Application for
Merit Badge] prior to any work beginning on the merit badge. NOTE: In order to emphasize the
scout’s responsibility and accountability, blue cards will only be provided to and received from
the Scout.
5) The Scout selects a merit badge counselor from the list of counselors maintained on the Troop
website or makes arrangements with another district and council approved merit badge
counselor. The Scout can find a Merit Badge Counselor in our district by checking the Three Rivers
District website (search: cfcbsa).
6) The Scout should then meet with/call the counselor to confirm the counselor’s availability to
oversee the merit badge work. A Scout CANNOT meet with a Merit Badge Counselor alone.
7) The Scout works on completing the merit badge requirements and meets with his counselor as
appropriate to review and get approval of completed requirements. NOTE: During the process of
completing the merit badge, the Scout is responsible for retaining the incomplete blue card. This
helps to serve as a reminder that work is incomplete and that the Scout is responsible for
ensuring progress is made toward completion. It’s a good idea for the Scout to periodically
present blue cards to Mrs. Moorhouse so that troop records can be updated with the Scout’s progress.
8) Once the Scout completes the requirements for the merit badge, he will schedule a time to meet
with his counselor and turn in anything that requires review by the counselor. Upon approval
of all of the work required for the merit badge, the counselor will mark the appropriate
requirements as complete, sign the blue card, retain the counselor’s copy and return the
remaining two sections to the Scout.
9) Upon obtaining the counselor’s signature, the Scout will make a copy of the remaining two
blue card sections for his own records and turn in the original blue card sections to Mrs.Moorhouse.
The copies will allow the blue card to be reproduced in the event that the original is lost. Merit
Badges can be completed any time before age 18.
10) The Scout needs to speak to the unit leader (Scoutmaster) and have him sign as Unit leader
on the Applicant’s Record. The Scout turns in the blue card to Mrs.Moorhouse. The Scout will receive
the merit badge at “Circle Up Time”(as long as badge is available). Troopmaster will be updated
to indicate the merit badge has been completed. At the next troop Court of Honor, the Scout will
be awarded the Scout’s section of the blue card to retain for his records.
Merit Badges Started at Camp
1) The Scout selects the merit badges he wishes to complete.
2) The Scout prints Merit Badge Worksheets from meritbadge.org.
3) The Scout works on prerequisites before camp, if possible.
4) A report from camp will be provided to Mrs. Moorhouse. She will complete blue cards and
enter them into Troopmaster. Any discrepancies regarding requirements will be reviewed with
Scoutmaster and/or Assistant Scoutmasters and Scout.
5) The unit leader signature on the Application for Merit Badge will be completed by the Unit
Leader (Scoutmaster).
6) The Scout will receive the blue cards.
7) The Merit Badge blue cards that were completed at camp: a. The Scout needs to have the Unit
Leader (Scoutmaster) sign on the Applicant’s Record. b. The Scout will return the blue card to
Mrs. Moorhouse. c. Merit Badges will be awarded at “Circle Up Time” (if available). d. Troopmaster
will be updated and Blue cards will be awarded at the next Court of Honor.
8) The Merit Badge blue cards that are partially completed at camp: a. The Scout needs to contact
a merit badge counselor for the merit badge. b. The Scout needs to work with the merit badge
counselor until the merit badge requirements are met. c. The merit badge counselor will sign off
the blue card when requirements are completed. d. The Scout will ask the Unit Leader
(Scoutmaster) to sign on the Applicant’s Record. e. The Scout will return the completed blue card
to Advancement Coordinator. f. The Merit badge will be awarded at “Circle Up Time” (if available).
g. Troopmaster will be updated. h. Blue cards will be awarded at the next Court of Honor.
9) Not all Merit Badges can be completed at camp. Some Merit Badges can ONLY be taken at BSA
Camp: Archery, Shotgun Shooting, and Rifle Shooting.